Monday, February 14, 2011

for the mr. at school...

because we missed you this morning. but, we are happy with the weekend festivities and celebrations. thank you once again.
L was happy this morning. why wouldn't she be. she's worked so hard to prepare all of her 32 valentine's, (combined two of my favorites here and here) and was more excited than ever been to deliver them. of course, she's always happy when i greet her in the morning with, "would you like heart shaped pancakes for breakfast?" 

remember our conversation last night about how giving undivided attention goes a long way? still working! she got dressed with no grumbling, let max out for the morning know what i mean, thanked me profusely for such a yummy breakfast, rinsed and packed all of her dishes- without being asked, and got all of her valentine's and backpack loaded up...once again without being asked! that makes for a great morning for the mommy too!
wasn't it a great weekend? missing you...

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