Saturday, April 21, 2012

saturday morning.

 It's a beautiful Saturday morning at our house.
Mr. W and Lizzy have gone on a fishing/canoe adventure. She was so excited that 
she woke us at 6:30, ready to go!
The sun is shining beautifully and the day feels full of possibility.
But for the moment, I'll enjoy my baby! I'm loving the scrunchy nose smile he started this week.
And the roly-poly maneuver...he a little steam roller!

Last night the Mr. and I went for a walk, and visited friends along the way.
We talked about how blessed we feel to live where we do, have wonderful friends, and to be where we are in life's journey. And how blessed we are to have two sweet children.
I am one lucky woman!

1 comment:

  1. We're jealous, we want to go fishing so bad! Where did they go? And I LOVE that picture of little man's scrunched nose smile. So cute!
