Saturday, May 26, 2012

school is out & mobiles!

 Yesterday was Lizzy's first day of summer break!
She decided to attend a new school at the beginning of fourth grade, and she made a very wise decision!
It has been a year of exploration, wonder, fun, art, and learning. She adapted quickly to her new environment, and made friends easily. Academically and socially she excelled. 
I would say fourth grade was a success!
 signing autographs while the paparazzi shoots away

 field day/water slide

And as usual, summer break means much crafting for my girl.
(the word "bored" is a naughty word in our home)
So, our first project was adapted from this mobile tutorial. We finished baby brother's, and almost completed hers. I especially love how it looks from his prospective lying in his crib!
Already today, she made a handkerchief that she designed, cut, sewed, and monogrammed herself! I love her creativity. I love that she finds ways to entertain her mind and hands, and that this very moment she is outside playing and rarely finds herself being entertained by electronics. 
I am so excited for summer time with my girl!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This picture was taken 4 years ago, the summer Mr. W started pharmacy school. I love looking at this picture. My little girl was 6 years old, and her life was about to change as we began a new adventure.
 She was about to learn a lot about sacrifice, hard work, and how much we really love being together as a family. Some days there was not as much time for play as there used to be. Some days daddy was exhausted and overwhelmed. Many days his day began at 5:00 am and ended at 12-1:00 am. 
Still he played, and read bedtime stories faithfully.

 And that is why I love this picture.
(him wearing the gown, her wearing the cap and carrying his hood)
It makes me cry. 
My sweetheart has made so many sacrifices the past 4 years. And so has my little girl. This picture perfectly represents our determination, hard work, and sacrifice as a family. 
 My little girl has changed a lot 
the past 4 years. She looks more like a teenager. (sometimes she even acts like one)
My Mr. has changed a lot too. What he has accomplished is no small feat. Now I know why only 3% of the American population has a doctorate degree. It was not easy! 
There were plenty of tears, much loneliness, sleep deprivation, (mostly him) 
and frustration.
But now it feels oh so good! 
I guess the saying is true, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
We are definitely stronger as a family.
This process has been excruciating at times, but happy too.
To you my Mr., I am so proud!
Not only did you do it, 
you did it beautifully!