Thursday, August 2, 2012

this week... {July 22-28,2012}

{9 months old}
My baby is looking more like a little boy everyday. (despite the fact that everyone still calls him a girl, which I consider a compliment) Today he and daddy are sick. I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep, but amazingly I feel fine. I ran, finished sewing Lizzy's pj shorts, and mowed the lawn before 8 am! I'm sure it will hit me this afternoon. But, I have the house cleaned and we're settling in for a restful day ahead. I'm trying to decide what to bake. I love it when we are all home and the house smells like warm banana bread, or something like it. Hopefully I will have a few minutes to sew the children's pajamas. I love making them new jammies for fall, which can't come fast enough! Now that the gardening is slowing a little, there's time for sewing and knitting in anticipation of fall.
 Oliver+S sailboat top pattern

Lizzy rode in the Pioneer Day parade with her buddies. Her years are numbered with this event. I was glad that she still thought it was fun this year! We are officially counting down to the start of school. Only 2 1/2 weeks left of summer break. She was not looking forward to going back to school, UNTIL she received her letter and found out who her teacher is. Now she can't wait! She will attend the Teton Science Camp with her grade this year. She talked with me yesterday, the way a parent speaks to a child, ever so gently, about wanting time at the camp void of her parents. It was rather cute really. I could tell she didn't want to hurt my feelings, and she didn't. She expressed her feelings very well. She is a sweetheart.

This is what we get to look at every evening when we walk out to look at the garden. It it breathtaking. Most of our days are ended by seeing how much the pumpkins have grown and watching the sunset. Every few days our neighbors bring over their chickens for a grasshopper treat. Charlie is totally amused by them. I can't say I'm ready for summer to come to a close, but I am so ready for pumpkins, apple pies, and the crisp fall air. So ready!

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